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Verified Reviews for Anti-Peck & Healing

Seems to be working...
This seems to be semi-working as I can see a few "feather ends" starting to poke through, however her bum still looks red so I'm thinking they might still be getting a few sneaky pecks in when I'm not watching! I haven't given this the full five stars as the two (minor) downsides are the colour (which is brown so my lovely cream hen now looks like she's been rolling in the mud) plus it stinks (which I guess it's meant to, to put the other hens off pecking but it also gets all over you when you spray it)! My advice is stand out of even a slight breeze when you spray it or you'll end up with a nasty taste in your mouth! Also very tricky to spray the hens so you will need two people, but that's not a fault of the product of course! I shall persevere...
Review for: Nettex Anti Feather Pecking Spray - 250ml
Not sure it made a difference!
I sprayed the girls tails with this, it did smell and got stuck on us as well! I'm not sure it made much of a difference, I had to fit a beak bit on the naughty chicken in the end.
Review for: Nettex Anti Feather Pecking Spray - 250ml
only worked the first time
worked on the first spray and after that the other chooks carried on pecking her.
Review for: Nettex Anti Feather Pecking Spray - 250ml
very impressed
I was very sceptical, having read mixed reviews but having tried it I can vouch that it has worked and my girls will have feathers in time for winter!
Review for: Nettex Anti Feather Pecking Spray - 250ml
get help with a bully
Got this as two of my ex-batts were being severely pecked by a dominant hen when the pecking order was being established. By the time I had ordered and got it, the problem was slightly better, but I tried it anyway. Not sure it did too much, but together with lots of distraction and the occassional squirt from a water spray, hamony eventually established. Stinks but that's the idea!
Review for: Nettex Anti Feather Pecking Spray - 250ml
I added one chicken to 3 established chickens and I didn't know about this product. The birds were really viscious. As soon as I used this product the pecking ceased.
Review for: Nettex Anti Feather Pecking Spray - 250ml
Within 3 days of using this product the bullied chicken was no longer being attacked. Now she is quite happy to return to her inner run at night where as before she was frightened that she would be set upon again. I also used gentian violet spray to the bald patch on her head to disguise the redness. Now three weeks later the feathers are growing back on her head and she is definately a much happier chicken!
Review for: Nettex Anti Feather Pecking Spray - 250ml
Anti feather pecking spray
An Omleteer,
After using spray on our poor pecked chicken all feather pecking stopped. Easy to follow instructions.
Review for: Nettex Anti Feather Pecking Spray - 250ml
Anti feather pecking spray
An Omleteer,
Seems to have worked well - nice new growth of feathers on the baldy one!
Review for: Nettex Anti Feather Pecking Spray - 250ml
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