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Comments for Keeping Parrots Together

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Ibrahim, 20 November 2019

I have a 4 month alexandrine parrot male, and I've put a deposit on a 6 week old male Eclectus parrot. Can they both live together in the same cage? Both hand raised?

Chris, 5 November 2019

Zainab- Do not place your budgie in the same cage as a caique. The caique will kill the budgie eventually (or badly injure the budgie). Never mix birds of different beak sizes together. The bird with a smaller beak can not defend itself against a much larger beak.

Zainab, 28 October 2019

I have a caique parrot. He’s 4 1/2 years old. I’m going to get a female budgie in probably a few days and they might be sharing a cage. Will they be able to cooperate?

Zainab, 28 October 2019

I’ve got a black headed caique parrot who’s 4 1/2 years old. We’re getting a female budgie in probably a few days. Will the be able to cooperate together?

Tina, 6 September 2019

I have a lovebird who just turned 1 and am about to get a cockatiel that’s 8 weeks old. Can they cohabited ever?

Ana, 14 June 2019

Oh, I'm in so much trouble... I have a 8 years old budgie. He lost his girlfriend and I got another male to be his friend. Everything was great, but then I didn't resist and rescued a female. Now the female and the younger male are a couple. Since then, the younger male keeps bullying the older one whenever the female is around. STRESSFUL

Steven, 23 March 2019

Could be'll just have to see. Also tough to train the aggression out, they are kind of wired that way.

Rachel, 3 March 2019

I have a africain grey Male I've had him for 9 month now he is 7 he will let all the family stroke him but I decided to get him a friend a sulphur cockatoo there both demi tame it's coming to live in 3 wks henis five and use to other parrots now they will both have their own cages but will be out at the same time how will I introduce out of cage 1st time

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