Cats come in a huge variety of shape, sizes, colours and coat types, from the weird and wonderful looking Sphynx cat with its hairless coat to the impressive bushy tailed Maine Coon.

A Maine Coon Cat with a great big bushy tail
Use our cat directory to help you find out which cats are the best family cats, which are the best indoor cats and which cats get on best with dogs. You can even find out which cats are best at hunting mice if you want to.
How To Choose A Cat
We all know that it’s easy to choose a cat for it’s adorable looks, and who can be blamed for falling for a British Shorthair with soft, giant paws and beautiful eyes.

A beautiful ginger British Shorthair tomcat lying on the carpet indoors
However, you must also consider each cat's specific needs and characteristics so that you can match them with your lifestyle. The Cornish Rex might be an adorable cat, but this athletic little acrobat is sensitive to hot and cold weather and requires a lot of mental and physical stimulation.
Don’t Rush Into Buying A Cat
Make sure you take your time when choosing a cat. Do not rush into making a quick decision and remember that you are taking on a potentially 20+ year commitment.

A beautiful little kitten with striking markings
Choose A Cat That Suits Your Lifestyle
The characteristics that you want in your new cat completely depend on your current living situation, and what you hope to get from your cat. Cat’s temperaments range from very independent and almost wild like, to attention seeking sofa slobs with a gentle nature.

A lazy cat sleeping under a blanket
Questions You Need To Ask Yourself Before You Decide What Cat You Should Get
- Do I want a cat that will happily entertain itself during the day?
- Do I want an indoor or outdoor cat?
- Do I want a cat that will get on with dogs easily?
- Do I want a cat that is likely to get on with children?
- Do I want a cuddly cat?
- Do I want a pest control cat?
- Do I want an exotic looking cat?
- Do I want a small cat?
- Do I want a large cat?
- Do I want a hypoallergenic cat?
By answering these questions you can start to build a picture of what your ideal cat would be and then you can use our cat directory to filter through your favourites.
What Cat Should I Get If I Am Allergic?
Being allergic to the cutest pets alive must be difficult, but don’t panic. There are some amazing cats that don’t trigger allergies. They are called Hypoallergenic cats and don’t shed their fur as much as most cats. This makes it possible for allergy sufferers to own one without any problems.

A beautiful hypoallergenic Russian blue cat sitting on top of a warm radiator
Our favourite allergy free cats are the Devon Rex and the Russian Blue, but if you would like to choose your own favourite then read our section 7 Best Hypoallergenic Cat Breeds.
Good Indoor Cats
There are a number of different cat breeds that love to spend their days indoors, occupying the comfy sofa and stealing all of the softest cushions, but not all cats make perfect lap cats.

If you have an indoor cat, you must make sure they have plenty of stimulation, for example by giving them an indoor cat tree
Here is a list of the top 5 most popular indoor cat breeds:
- The British Shorthair
- The American Curl
- The Persian
- The Ragdoll
- The Russian Blue
To find out more about whether you should keep your cat indoors or allow it to adventure outside read our section Indoor Cat Or Outdoor Cat.
Is A Kitten For Me?
If you’re considering getting a kitten you are going to need to spend time allowing her to grow up. It can take up to 6 months for her vision and balance to become fully developed, and she will constantly be testing her limits for about a year. You are going to have to be her parent for the first year or so, guiding her from kittenhood to adulthood.

A maturing kitten walking on the grass in the garden
Or Should I Adopt An Older Cat?
The alternative to getting a kitten is to adopt an adult cat. It can be easier to adopt an older cat because they typically don’t require as much attention and time. Cats can live well into their 20’s, so you’re still going to be rewarded with years of companionship as well as giving a great home to a cat in need at the same time.

A tabby cat strolling across the garden
If you adopt an older cat from a rescue home you will also be freeing up a space for a new cat to be rescued. You can adopt cats from local animal shelters, such as the RSPCA or Blue Cross.
Use Our Cat Directory To Choose The Best Cat For You
Use our cat directory to search through over 100 different cat breeds so that you can find out all the necessary cat breed info and compare all of the pros and cons of each breed.

A Bengal Cat with an incredible rosetted coat pattern
You can also find a huge selection of cat pictures to help you make your decision easier.
Elise, 23 January 2019
Hi, I was wondering how the Selkirk Rex compared to the Russian Blue in terms of how hypoallegernic they are and also in terms of behaviour and personality? Thank you!