Don’t worry if your favourite cat breed isn’t on the list, within all breeds and mixes can be the friendliest and most affectionate individuals. All cats are different, and although breeds have their specific personality traits there are a few cat breeds who are typically rather friendly. Here's our top 7 friendliest cat breeds.
#1 - Persian

A sociable and friendly Persian cat
Persian cats are friendly, sociable and can be very loving. They enjoy snuggling up with their favourite human and many have a very laid back and relaxed nature. This is definitely a cat that looks forward to you getting back from work so you can pay them some attention.
#2 - Exotic Shorthair

A silver spotted Exotic Shorthair Cat sitting in the garden
Exotic Shorthairs are the perfect lap cat, they are docile, doting and will crave your affection. They’re not the most active of breeds but they more than make up for it with their extreme snuggle factor.
#3 - Abyssinian

A friendly Abyssinian cat who loves to interact with people
Abyssinian cats love to interact with their owners. They will be quick to greet you after a day of work and they won’t shy away from strangers, other cats, or other household pets.
#4 - Burmese

A friendly Burmese cat who loves to curl up on the sofa
Burmese are certainly one of, if not the friendliest cat breed. They will pine for your attention and love nothing more than curling up on the sofa with their favourite human.
#5 - Maine Coon

A particularly vocal and friendly Maine Coon who loves the attention
Maine Coons are very friendly and will be happy in a multi cat household or a house with dogs. They are confident and loving but don’t demand attention. They will enjoy your attention and many will ‘talk’ to you through chirpy meows.
#6 - Ragdoll

A young Ragdoll cat with an adorable cuddly nature
Ragdoll cats are certainly a top contender for the friendliest breed. These cats are renowned for their laid back and cuddly nature which makes them the perfect companion cat. They crave affection and will adore to curl up on your lap.
#7 - Sphynx

A wonderful friendly Sphynx Cat who loves to play
The Sphynx is the breed that many would consider the title holder of friendliest breed. There is no doubt that the Sphynx loves human attention, affection and a good play session but perhaps they are so affectionate because they rely on humans to keep warm and clean a lot more than other breeds.
Bonus - The Moggy

A moggy cat who can be incredibly friendly if you treat it well
Non pedigree cats might sometimes be regarded as unfriendly, but this is far from right. We believe that no matter what cat you have, as long as you treat it right and show it lots of affection it will turn out to be just as loving as the most typical friendly cat breeds.
Paw, 30 November 2024
It is an informative comment. Very happy to reading this article. We should take time while choosing cat breeds. I have also a content based on cat breeds. Here is my article <a href=""cat breeds</a>
Maria, 14 March 2022
Looking to adopt a Maine coon kitten or Persian or rag doll
Jane, 11 July 2021
My last kitty was a feral Siamese. She lived with me 13 years. I have had two Abby./cats and several mixes. As a senior citizen I am looking for a new friend. As I have a small apartment, I don’t have trees to climb. Send me an email if you have a kitten or a cat that wants a new home.
Amanda, 11 June 2021
I have a 10 month old Ragdoll male kitten. He is the sweetest, most lovable cat to ever walk the planet... LOL. He’s loyal and comes when called like a dog does, and can sense when I’m sad or not feeling well. I have 3 cats, but never met another feline like my Ragdoll Archie. He’s awesome. I highly recommend these kitties to anyone who wants a cat who loves you like a dog.
Marsha, 3 March 2021
Looking for 2 siblings, 8wks old, litter box trained. Prefer one orange tabby and one black/black and white stripped, Persian, Burmese, Abyssian, Exotic Short Hair or cuddly loves