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Comments for Why Do Guinea Pigs Sneeze?

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Becca, 1 August 2021

After observing our sneezing piggie very closely, discovered his sneezes predominantly occur when he is eating. He gulps his food sooooo fast that he sneezes! Doesn't matter if it's hay, fresh veggies or a treat. Almost had me convinced to rush to vet because of URI. I've done all the allergy "troubleshooting" and this is what I came up with! Isn't sick. NO other symptoms pretty funny now that I'm relieved he actually is NOT sick at all. Lol ????

Muze, 15 September 2020

Ohhhhhh so that’s why my one of my guinea pigs always sneeze when my mom puts on perfume near the cage to use as a air freshener he is allergic to it!

Olivia, 30 April 2020

One of my young guniea pigs is sneezing 3 or 4 times a day while my other one is completely fine. He has a stuffy nose and running eyes some days and the others he has no psychical signs, just the sneezing. I can't afford vet bills and my parents won't take him to the pet so if anyone has ideas please tell me!

Nina, 18 April 2020

My 3 year old ginea pig is coughing quite often but we went to the vet and she said hes fine so i dont know what to do!

Julia, 9 April 2020

My little girl is sneezing so much! I think the allergies may be a option because she has eye discharge. I will look into this.

Mick, 14 January 2020

My 3 year old ???????? ???? Elliot is sneezing all the time. I have changed bedding 4 times, tries Timothy Hay, Botanical Hay, Alfalfa, all natural. You name it I have tried it. We use ALL free and clear for laundry. Nothing scented in home AT ALL. No perfumes, smoking, candles NOTHING! He has a humidifier, been in antibiotics 3 times. No sign of respiratory distress. ANY HELP for him would be amazing. No crusty eyes or nose just the sneezes and rattle of dry boogers. Yhank you

Melanie, 30 November 2019

My young guinea pig has been sneezing but I just think it is Allergies

Delana, 2 July 2019

I just got a young guinea pig and ever since she was in the car on the way home she has been sneezing

Jenna, 15 March 2019

My guinea pig sneezes but I think she might be allergic to her bedding it’s lavender scented.

Rachel, 7 January 2019

Mine sneezes sorta like a human! She is sneezing a lot but doesn't seem to have other symptomps except she's complaining a ton.

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