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Comments for Budgie Behaviour Problems

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Zameena, 26 May 2021

My budgie has a love hate relationship with a bell. Sometimes he's very aggressive with it and started to bite us now and then. Should I remove the bell from his toy. I already tried it and he's so sad chirping and looking up for it. Should I take it out permanently?

Kayla, 18 April 2021

so my bird has usually been fairly laid back about my hand, i could get him to step up and take his out of the cage. but recently i got a mesh seed catcher and i put it on and suddenly he won’t let me pick him up with my finger without him trying to bite me? did i do something wrong?

Reta, 14 April 2020

My Pacman is chewing on his wooden roost. Is there a reason for this.

Tanisha, 2 April 2020

Okay,hey your instructions really helped but I have a problem I am from India and over here this breed is not appreciated in the sense over here we don't get enough resources of toys and etc I have 4 birds and the problem is I trained them wrongly at first and messed and I want to change their opponions about me so plz plz plz and a very long request answer Me.

Lisa, 9 March 2020

I have an old budgie who is losing feathers from chest and head . It was first head . I feel as though she mite be getting attacked by my other budgies as she's an easy target. I'm going to separate her worm her and use mite spray. She's active still but I'm wanting your opinion please .

An Omleteer, 7 January 2020

I have 4 Budgies, 2 male and 2 female. My oldest bird (1yo) She has been clinging on to the side of the cage with her beak and feet. I don't know why she dose that. She also won't eat her fruits and veggies, i am worried that she is not getting the stuff she needs. She has been more puffed up than usual today.

Grace, 4 January 2020

My Chirpy is constantly in the floor corner of the cage pulling at the side of cage. He does go up and down the side doing the same thing. We have had him a week and a half. Don’t now if he is trying to get out, bored or stressed.

Antonia, 26 December 2019

Hi..I have a group of 4 of my female Budgie has this thing where she gets hold of a tail or wing of one of the male Budgies with her beak and i have to step in for her to let go. I have 2 Males and 2 Females..she is scared of the other Female she wont go near she only does this to the males..what can i do or what is wrong that i need to change. Thank you

Ella, 26 November 2019

My new bird will only eat from my hand, and he won’t even eat more than a bite of fruit and veggies, my female will sometimes eat from my hand, and they will both eat millet on their own and from my hand.

Karen, 12 October 2019

My budgie sits with one leg on perch, the other leg on cage and the top of her head on the perch, as if she is looking through her legs at nothing in particular, why is this?

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