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Comments for Guinea Pig Food List

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Showing comments 11 to 20 of 47

Gemma, 28 June 2019

I am wondering How often I can give my Guiana pigs fruits. Like bananas and apples.

Tara, 21 June 2019

It is bad for them in quantities. It is SAFE to feed them 2 leaves a week

Taylor, 4 June 2019

Hi. I just read a bunch of lists saying that spinich is harmful to guinea pigs but a bunch of others saying it’s good. Can someone tell me what the true answer is.

Taylor, 17 May 2019

Guinea pigs are social, herd animals and are best kept with others.

Maryanne, 10 May 2019

Hi I have got a baby guinea pig I will like to know what u can feed them and he is always making slot of noise is that normal for them to do that can someone sent me a list of food that u can feed baby guinea pig

Maddison, 3 May 2019

Thank you for the information I need to know on ginnypig

Shayla, 25 April 2019

Just purchased one for my son. He was in cage with five other so I’m concern if he’ll be lonely by himself.

Megan, 10 April 2019

My sister recently got a guinea pig and he is the sweetest. I love giving him treats. Thinking of buying one myself!

Patrice, 8 April 2019

This is a very helpful site as I gave two guinea pigs to my granddaughter for her birthday and they are the only type of rodent that I haven't ever owned. So this has been quite beneficial for us to learn more about our new family members, thanks.

Johnny, 4 April 2019

My adult Guinea is so fat every time we move a bag he thinks he is getting more food......So what should I do

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