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Australorps Chickens

Australorps-Chicken-White-Background Australorps-Chicken-Pecking Australorps-Chicken-Black Australorps-Chicken-Garden

Breed Rating (20 Reviews)


Australorps History

The Australorp was developed as a utility breed in Australia in the 1920s from the Black Orpington primarily for egg production rather than for its meat. The name originates from the club which was founded for them, The Austral Orpington Club. They are excellent layers of tinted eggs and hold the world record for egg production as a hen of the breed laid 364 eggs in 365 days! They are smaller and neater than Orpingtons but still have a lot of meat on them. The feathers of the black birds have a wonderful beetle-green sheen and they have a prominent dark eye. Their comb is single and evenly serrated while their earlobes are red as are their medium length wattles. Their black legs are strong and free from feathers and they have 4 toes.

Australorps Behaviour

The Australorp is an active breed and they are fast growers with hens reaching point of lay at around five months of age. They are amazingly productive and are not prone to broodiness. They make good pets as they are calm and friendly birds although they are a little heavy for children to pick up. There is a ¼ sized bantam version though which would be much more suitable for children to keep as pets. They will happily live in runs but they do enjoy being allowed to free range. They aren't good fliers so fencing doesn't need to be particularly high. They are also very hardy and will stand cold weather well. An Australorp cock will weigh in at around 8½ lbs while the hens tend to be in the region of 6½lbs.

Australorps Varieties

There are two colours the black which has feathers with a lustrous green sheen and the blue whose feathers are slate blue feathers with darker lacing.

Australorps Status

Fairly common

Australorps Pictures

Karate hen - an australorp chicken
Chickens in Garden
Chicken in garden
a group of fluffy black and yellow chicks
a close up image of a black chicken in the sun
13 week old Australorp Cockeriel
mrs Blacky, she is very old
Pancake the Australorp
Australorp bantams, molly and mandy.
Australorp cockerel
Bantam hen with three australorps chicks
A large australorp cockrele.
Australops Chickens looking out with Omlet Chicken Fencing
Australorps Chicken standing on top of coop crowing
Australorp Pullet
Chicken in cage
Chicken posing for camera
Chicken Posing
Barnevelde Posing

Australorps For Sale

Please note: All animals listed here are for collection only. They cannot be delivered by the seller or by Omlet. The seller will send you their contact details to arrange payment and collection.
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Latest Reviews For Australorps (5 of 20)

3 Stars:


2 Stars:


1 Star:


They are awesome and sometimes even listen to me! - Anna,

Lays really good eggs and goes broody once in a while. Has a very friendly manner and authority

There good for there eggs - Karina,

There not the most social but their eggs make up for it.

- Brandon,

Best layer and nice broiler breed

Australorps - Whitney,

I have two Australorps Marge and Martha. Marge has always since day one has layed large double yolk eggs, but the down fall is she is very very broody. So i just go her six chicks and she is a wonderful mother absolutely in her prime! Martha lays nice large eggs, she has NEVER been broody! they are very friendly and great to have around.

Australorp - Brandon,

I would recommend this breed because they lay over 300 eggs a year and they make good quality meat

Breeder Clubs for Australorps

Australorp Club of Great Britain



Telephone: 01636 814958